Zoomers 2 Boomers - and everything in between

Hosting thought leaders and trend setters from a multi-generational perspective.

Anne Buckle’s journey from Harvard to Nashville weaves together Appalachian roots, indie Americana, and an unshakable drive to carve her own path in the music industry.

Gordon Weiss, Founder of Planet Humana, discusses his experience providing medical aid and training on the front lines of the Ukraine conflict, addressing local needs, and the powerful impact of targeted philanthropy.

Meet Your Hosts

Zoomers 2 Boomers is hosted by David and Paige Biderman, each bringing a unique generational perspective to their fascinating guest. We bring you a stunning array of the leading thinkers and pacesetters worldwide—filtered through the lens of a Boomer and Zoomer.

Within every episode, David and Paige interview experts in a host of fields and interests to uncover the true state of the technology sector.

David Biderman Headshot

David Biderman

The Boomer

Consistent with his boomer knowledge of tech, has often sought refuge in Jeremy Irons’s request from Margin Call: “Please, speak as you might to a young child, or better yet, a golden retriever.”

Paige Biderman Headshot

Paige Biderman

The Millennial

Paige has seen and absorbed a lot and wants to share with you her perspective on the accomplishments of our great guests.

Learn more about your hosts on the About Us Page.

What Makes Us Different?

Two Generational Perspectives.

Paige views the world through the lens of the millennials, the global generation of internet-age digital natives, 77% of whom said, ‘yes’ to the statement, “When nothing is occupying my attention, the first thing I do is reach for my phone.”

David sees things through the eyes of the boomers, the monster post-war “pig in the python” generation that naively thought the world would improve with time. When nothing is occupying David’s attention, he searches for his lost phone, keys, and watch.

Explore the Latest Episodes

Incredible guests color their industry with the unscripted character of their unique experiences.

Dr. A.D. Carson, a pioneering academic from Decatur, Illinois, shares how his passion for hip hop shaped his innovative approach to education and its cultural impact on students and communities.

Gordon Weiss, Founder of Planet Humana, discusses his experience providing medical aid and training on the front lines of the Ukraine conflict, addressing local needs, and the powerful impact of targeted philanthropy.

Anne Buckle’s journey from Harvard to Nashville weaves together Appalachian roots, indie Americana, and an unshakable drive to carve her own path in the music industry.

Decode Your Digital World.

Join your hosts, David and Paige Biderman, whose podcast combines two divergent generational viewpoints on the stories, challenges, and accomplishments of their guests.

From wartime heroism to online dating and everything in between, David and Paige give you multilayered insights from their incredible guests, each of whom has amazing perspectives, accomplishments, and impacts.

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